Special Awards in the NExT Region

Magellan Award

This award recognizes students who have completed solutions in the 6 competitive categories. It is the only special award that participants must apply or be nominated for BEFORE the NExT regional tournament. Click here to learn more!


DaVinci Award

This award is offered for exceptional creativity (not skill or talent), a unique approach to the problem, and/or risk taking. Participants may be nominated for this award for their team or instant challenge solution at a Destination Imagination tournament. 


Renaissance Award

This award is offered for exceptional skill in the areas of engineering, design, or performance. Participants may be nominated for this award for their team or instant challenge solution at a Destination Imagination tournament.


Spirit of Discovery and imagination

This award is offered for exceptional Spirit, Teamwork, Volunteerism, and Sportsmanship. Participants and/or volunteers may be nominated for this award for their team or instant challenge solution at a Destination Imagination tournament.


Torchbearer Award (for Project Outreach)

This award honors teams and/or individuals whose solutions have had extraordinary impact in and beyond the local community. Participants may be nominated for this award for their Project Outreach solution at a Destination Imagination tournament.